
TORONTO (HOL) – The surprise victory by the Liberal Somali candidate Ahmed Hussen who swept York South-Weston with a strong lead has raised hopes for the Canadian Somali community which has long been struggling to make political inroads in Canada.


Mr. Hussein, has defeated the NDP’s incumbent Mike Sullivan, making him the first Somali-Canadian MP in Canada.

“This is a great day for Somali Canadians and a day to remember” Said Mahad Shafie, a Somali-Canadian businessman who lives in Ottawa.

As the news of his election went viral on the mainstream media, thousands of Somalis took to the social media, describing his victory as ‘momentous’, a development which may inspire more Somalis in Canada to run for the upcoming elections.

“It’s a moment of hope, a moment of inspiration.” tweeted Ali Ahmed, a community activist in Toronto.

Born and raised in Somalia, Mr. Hussein has immigrated to Canada in 1993 and he settled in Regent Park. Struggling to get an employment, he immediately gravitated towards public service according to his campaign website.

In addition, he currently serves as the National President of the Canadian Somali Congress – a Somali community organization that works with national and regional authorities to advocate on issues of importance to Canadians of Somali heritage and strengthen civic engagement and integration.

“This is the beginning of a new political era for Somali Canadians in the future, hoping that every Somali Canadian must be proud of this historical achievement executed by our newly elected politician Mr Ahmed Hussein.” said Ali Hagi Awiisa, a HOL reader.

Canada has one of the largest Somali populations in the western world. Unofficial estimates placing the figure as high as 150,000. The early 1990s saw an increase in the total number of Somali immigrants entering the country, with some secondary migration from the United States.

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